Rabbit Holes and Delulu Diversions

Whew, anyone feel like there is just SO much happening in the US right now? Lots of political, social and justice happenings since the beginning of the year (please don’t fret, I am not here to chat about parties, what’s right or wrong or what is even going on – just acknowledging that a lot is happening). It has gotten a little tricky for me to go on social media without going down some sort of (usually political) rabbit hole so I’ve been trying to stay off of SM for extended periods of time and distract myself with other things, AKA ✨delulu diversions✨

Today, my diversion was painting a new doormat —>

For those who haven’t yet visited my faves page yet, I love a disco ball. I have them all over my house and they bring me lots of joy.

My group of girlfriends and I have painted doormats a few times, for Halloween and Christmas, so not a new craft for me but definitely a fun one! Our first time was Halloween and one of our girlfriends has a husband who is an artist so she had him sharpie stencil her design on before coming to the craft night. Meanwhile, the rest of us non-artist peasants struggled through figuring out how to design and paint our mats (there’s def a learning curve). Suffice it to say, when we painted mats for Christmas that year, artist hubby sharpie stenciled all of our mats before craft night 😂 So when I found the inspo for this mat, I sharpie stenciled the words and disco ball then got to painting. It probably took me about 4-5 hours (with snack breaks) but I am very happy with how it turned out 🩷🪩

I’ve included photos of my doormats past below if you’d like to see them! You all may know I have and love cats so obvi my first doormat was cat themed. And I already have a Christmas mat that I love so this one I painted was a gift for someone with a Golden Retriever 🥰

My other go-to delulu diversion is working towards my book and walking goals for 2025. I think I started and finished an audiobook today and went for the 1.5 mile walk. Not to toot my own horn but aside from my doormat I also made dinner, emptied, reloaded and ran the dishwasher, put laundry away and took a shower; PLUS, look at me writing a new post at 10pm – who is she??

Anywhoozles, that’s it for me today. Anyone finding themselves new hobbies to focus on instead of stressing about other things? I’d love to hear about them 🙂

Talk to you soon,

Xoxo, CK

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